Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Working (and working out) from home

I'm at day 49 of my P90X fitness program . P90X and all of the Beachbody products are designed to help you work out at home and get in AWESOME shape. I realize after just 30 days that this product really works. Then I realize I can "Coach"- its an opportunity to talk about beachbody products and help others. So now I'm working from home.

My entire adult life I have been trying to sell products. Mortgages, Merchant Services, Mary Kay, and now this...Fitness. The difference is, I finally found something that fits my personality. The idea is this, to 1) Help people meet their fitness and weight loss goals and 2) Recruit people who might want to help others do the same while they are on their own fitness journey. Doesn't that make sense? Then why is it so hard. Why do people ask about P90X (or other Beachbody products) and then not take the leap? I guess its because most things in life that are worth any value are often not that easy to obtain. They require sacrifice and dedication and money.

Well, with tons of time on my hands and an almost fit body....I'm giving it my all. I'm working out hard and I'm doing it from home, and I'm working hard...and I'm doing that from home too. If you want to know more...check out my site: www.beachbodycoach.com/mommyhobbie

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